1. Who is eligible to apply for an Airport Pass?
Registered tenants of Changi Airport Group or companies with operational business interest at Changi Airport are eligible to apply for an Airport Pass. You may refer to the following links for more details on the application process:
- Airport pass FAQs: https://www.changiairport.com/corporate/faqs.html#airportpassapplication
- Airport pass application: https://www.changiairport.com/corporate/e-services/airport-pass-application.html
2. I am not a Changi Airport tenant but I have an existing contract with a Changi Airport Tenant (e.g. SATS). Can I apply for an Airport Pass?
Yes, the authorised signatory of the Changi Airport tenant (who will be the sponsor) will have to submit the following information of the contractor to Airport Pass Office before any application can be done online: company name, address, telephone number, contract period, nature of work and access area.
3. I am a foreigner and I don't have a work permit. Can I apply for an Airport Pass to work in the restricted area?
No, a Seasonal Airport Pass can only be issued to the applicants on the condition that they satisfy the requisite immigration, employment and/or other statutory requirements. However, if you are entering the restricted area for official business, you may apply for a Visitor Pass instead. As a foreigner, your Visitor Airport Pass will be applied with your passport details and will be valid up to 14 days.
4. I had previously committed a criminal offence. Am I still eligible for an Airport Pass?
Individual applications for an Airport Pass will be assessed on a case-by-case basis; assessment criterion is strictly confidential. Please submit your application online and we will revert on your application status.