Arrival Garden
Arrival Garden
Arrival Garden


The Arrival Garden welcomes visitors to Changi Airport with a splash of colour and life. Filled with lush, natural greenery, it provides a unique outdoor experience in the comfort of an indoor environment. 

The specially curated flora collection emulates a dragonfly habitat, while the garden's feature pool showcases ripples and patterns as though dragonflies are dancing on them. Catch a glimpse of Jewel from the garden or take a photo next to its majestic 12m–15m palm trees.


Mexican Fan Palm
Scientific Name: Washingtonia Robusta

The Washingtonia Robusta is a palm tree native to Mexico, where conditions are dry for most of the year. It's adaptable, hardy and can survive in dry soil or sand. Because of this characteristic, the palm tree’s species is named ‘robusta’ which means robust or vigorous in Latin. The genus ‘Washingtonia’ is named after the first president of the United States, George Washington (1732–1799).