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Enter Dreamscape, an immersive indoor garden where nature and technology merge in a magical symphony to delight everyone.
Surrounding the space are 20,000 plants from over 100 species, intricately nestled amidst the 18 evergreen structures, including two special plants: the Pesuderanthemum “splash” and the Begonia blancii.
Stepping into the centre of the glass panels "floating" above the pond, one feels like one's walking on water, as the almost transparent Aponogeton ulvaceus plants shimmer and move with the fish swimming between them.
While the garden's symphony of sounds, made up of over 100 unique creatures, serenades the heart, the digital sky above reflects real-time weather conditions built from meteorological data specific to Changi. The digital sky also features an immersive light and sound show, which allows visitors to find themselves in an impossible reality, hence the name - Dreamscape. The show plays throughout the day at 15-minute intervals.
The seamless melding of Nature and Technology truly allows every moment in Dreamscape to be filled with wonder.