
2 号航站楼(T2)
2 号航站楼(T2) 公共区域 楼层一楼

侏罗纪步道是新加坡规模最大,且展品与原物一般大小的永久性户外恐龙展览。这条骑行道和慢跑道长达一公里,沿途伫立着 9 个不同物种、20 多个史前生物。其中有食肉恐龙、食草恐龙、防御恐龙以及会飞的恐龙。最高的恐龙将近 5 米!





  • 从东海岸公园出发(途经樟宜海岸公园连道):继续向东,前往国民服役人员消闲与乡村俱乐部(National Service Resort & Country Club)和教育部樟宜海岸户外探险学习中心(MOE Changi Coast Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre)。穿过 MOE OALC 入口,就会看到地上标有前往侏罗纪步道的标志。

  • 从 2 号航站楼出发(经由 Hub & Spoke):从 2 号航站楼 1 楼出发,穿过出口前往巴士停靠点,按照地面上的标志前往 Hub Spoke,然后步行或骑行 2 公里前往侏罗纪步道。可以在 Hub & Spoke 租脚踏车。

  • 从 4 号航站楼出发:从 4 号航站楼 1 楼出发,穿过出口前往私家车候车点/区(1-3 号门),按照地面上的标志前往侏罗纪步道。


  • 搭乘巴士:搭乘 24、34、36 或 110 路巴士,在樟宜机场 4 号航站楼下车,按照地面上的标志前往侏罗纪步道。

  • 搭乘地铁(途经 2 号航站楼):在樟宜机场地铁站下车,前往 2 号航站楼。从 2 号航站楼 1 楼出发,穿过出口前往巴士停靠点,按照地面上的标志前往 Hub & Spoke,然后步行或骑行 2 公里前往侏罗纪步道。可以在 Hub & Spoke 租脚踏车。或者,从 2 号航站楼入境大厅 1 号门搭乘机场穿梭巴士前往 4 号航站楼。


  • 下车点:在 4 号航站楼下车。从 4 号航站楼 1 楼出发,穿过出口前往私家车候车点/区(1-3 号门),按照地面上的标志前往侏罗纪步道。

  • 停车:在 4A 停车场停车,按照地面上的标志前往侏罗纪步道。也可以在 2 号航站楼 Hub & Spoke 停车场停车,然后步行或骑行 2 公里前往侏罗纪步道。可以在 Hub & Spoke 租脚踏车。

2 号航站楼(T2)
2 号航站楼(T2) 公共区域 楼层一楼

Jurassic Mile is Singapore’s largest permanent outdoor display of life-sized dinosaurs. More than 20 different pre-historic creatures from nine different species stretch over 1-kilometre of the cycling and jogging path. Expect to see carnivorous and herbivorous species, defensive dinosaurs, as well as those that fly. The tallest dinosaur stands at almost 5 meters high!


From a towering Tyrannosaurus Rex to gigantic dinosaur eggs, visitors will be wowed by the lifelike dinosaur exhibits at the Changi Jurassic Mile, making it a perfect outdoor weekend destination for families and friends.

Jurassic Miles

Visitors can get to Jurassic Mile through the following ways:

Foot / Bicycle

  • From East Coast Park (via Changi Coast Park Connector): Proceed eastwards towards the National Service Resort & Country Club (NSRCC) and the MOE Changi Coast Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre (MOE OALC). Upon passing MOE OALC entrance, you will see on-ground signs towards Jurassic Mile.

  • From Terminal 2 (via Hub & Spoke): From Terminal 2 Level 1 via the exit to Coach Bay, follow on-ground signs to Hub & Spoke then take a 2km walk or cycle towards Jurassic Mile. Bicycles can be rented from Hub & Spoke.

  • From Terminal 4: From Terminal 4 Level 1 via the exit to Arrival Pick-up (Door 1-3), follow on-ground signs to Jurassic Mile.

Public Transport

  • By Bus: Take buses 24, 34, 36, or 110 and alight at Changi Airport Terminal 4. Follow the on-ground signs to Jurassic Mile.

  • By Train (via Terminal 2): Alight at Changi Airport MRT Station and heads towards Terminal 2. From Terminal 2 Level 1 via the exit to Coach Bay, follow on-ground signs to Hub & Spoke then take a 2km walk or cycle towards Jurassic Mile. Bicycles can be rented from Hub & Spoke. Alternatively, take the Airport Shuttle Bus to Terminal 4 from Terminal 2 Arrival Hall Door 1.


  • For Drop-off: Alight at Terminal 4. From Terminal 4 Level 1 via the exit to Arrival Pick-up (Door 1-3), follow on-ground signs to Jurassic Mile.

  • Parking: Park at Car park 4A and follow the on-ground signs to Jurassic Mile. Alternatively, park at Hub & Spoke Car Park at Terminal 2 then take a 2km walk or cycle towards Jurassic Mile. Bicycles can be rented from Hub & Spoke.