1. You may apply to film, photograph and/or live stream in the airport and the application will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
2. Applicants should be aware that approval of applications is not an endorsement, approval and/or support of any projects. CAG will not approve any application which is likely to or does:
- depict or portray the Airport or Singapore in an unfavorable light or otherwise a manner that may adversely affect the reputation of CAG, Changi Airport, Seletar Airport and/or Singapore;
- are overtly political in nature;
- are highly critical of other countries or people;
- go against CAG’s corporate branding guidelines;
- might sow or instigate racial, religious or cultural discord; or
- support anti-social lifestyle or criminal activity.
3. Applicants are responsible for securing all relevant consent from persons that they may capture in the course of filming, photography and/or live streams. CAG will not facilitate any request to secure consents from persons captured in the Applicant’s content.
4. Animals are prohibited from entering Changi Airport and Seletar Airport.