b'StatisticsRolling-Twelve-Months Cargo Movements (Sep 18 to Aug 19)20189201982,200 2,161 2,165 2,162 2,155 2,1512,150 2,138 2,135 2,1122,104 2,0952,100 2,082Thousand Tonnes 2,0672,0502,0001,950 Legend 2016/20171,9002017/20181,850 2018/2019Source: CAG Data 1,800 Competency Centre Sep 9 Oct 10 Nov 11 Dec 12 Jan 1 Feb 2 Mar 3 Apr 4 May 5 Jun 6 Jul 7 Aug 8 (CAG) Cargo Movements by Region (Sep 18 to Aug 19)Top Cargo Markets (Sep 18 to Aug 19)2018920198 2018920198North East Asia33%Europe17% 1.China 6.Indonesia33% South East Asia14% 2.Australia 7.Japan17% Australia and Oceania12% 3.United States 8.Germany2% Americas9%4% 14% South Asia8% 4.Hong Kong 9.Korea8% Middle East4% 5.India 10. United Kingdom9% 12% Africas2%Source: CAG Data Competency Centre Source: CAG Data Competency Centre (CAG) (CAG) International LinksSource: CAG Data Competency Centre (CAG) Scheduled Airlines 124City Links 378Country Links 93Weekly Flights 7,254Weekly Freighter Flights 304 * Figures include both physical and codeshare links (As of 1 Sep 2019) * 201991 The statistics are provided for your convenience only and are not to be treated nor reliedupon by any person as any kind of advice. Weekly FreighterCAGCAGAs the statistics have been provided to Changi Airport Group ("CAG") by third parties, CAG isLinks 49 in no position to verify the veracity or correctness of any of the published statistics. CAG shall not be liable for any damage or loss suffered by any party as a result of the use of, or relianceCAGupon the statistics or information provided in this publication.Changi Cargo Insight 13'