b'Event UpdatesParticipants at the Asiafruit Logistica eventAt the event, there were also keynote presentations fromindustry leaders on the trends for the transportation ofperishables.Intheshortterm,observersexpectashiftin the perishables supply chain due to the ongoing tradetension between China and the USA. For instance, the tariffsimposed on US perishables would result in China importershaving to source from alternative markets. Hence, China has recently lifted restrictions on the imports of specificSeaburyfruits and vegetables. The move has allowed some ASEANand European countries to start exporting their perishables1.20501002019 into China. 77;InasharingbySeabury,thedemandforcoldchain2.transportation in the long term is expected to rise due to3.the following factors:1.The worlds population is expected to grow to 10 billion2019by 2050 (up from 7.7 billion in 2019); 2.The rise of the middle class; andcargoevents@changiairport.com3.The increasing demand by shippers to reduce food spoilageFollowing the success at Asiafruit Logistica 2019, Changi willcontinuetoexplorewithouraircargopartnerson exhibiting at the event. Interested co-exhibitors can contact CAG at cargoevents@changiairport.com. Changi Cargo Insight 7'