b"Market UpdatesCurrent State of the India Air Cargo IndustryIn January 2019, the India government unveiled a National201912025Air Cargo Policy paper with the aim of developing India tobe among the top five air freight markets by 2025, withfocus on specialized commodity types such as Perishables,2019Pharmaceuticals, E-Commerce, Live Animals and Dangerous Goods. Like many of its global counterparts, the India air5.9% 1cargo industry faced a challenging 2019 with international cargo throughput declined 5.9% YoY 1, due to the slowdown2020in major industries such as automotive. 2019In terms of industrys outlook for 2020, there were mixedsentiments. Some partners shared optimism to specialized commodity type such as perishables and pharma, whileothers are less optimistic on forward bookings amidst the Covid-19 developments. 2%Indias Agriculture and Perishables Exports 15%25%49%While India is the second largest agriculture producer in theworld, their global share of perishables exports accounted;foronly2%.AccordingtoIndiaChamberofFoodand Agriculture, the share of India's high value and value-addedagriculture produce in its export basket is less than 15% compared to 25% in US and 49% in China. Majority of its2019exports are low value, raw or semi-processed marketedin bulk. Other cited challenges include non-consistency inquality and standardization; high logistics costs and the2019inability to curtail losses along the supply chain. 2017201829.9325Indias Air Pharmaceuticals Market 68%IndiaAirPharmamarketcontinuedtoregisterresilientPharma.Aero growth amidst the challenging year in 2019. The industry(Global PharmaTrackerGPT)is generally optimistic of the longer term growth outlookGPToftheairpharmamarket.However,shipperssharedimmediate concerns about the curtail of production andexports of raw materials e.g. Active Pharma Ingredients((API)fromChinaduetoCovid-19,whichmayresultin)supplychaindisruptions.TheDirectorateGeneralof CommercialIntelligenceandStatisticsrevealedthatin2017-18, India imported $2,993.25 million worth bulk drugsand intermediates, and the share of China in the pie has700increased to 68%. 52.5201912At the Air Pharma Shipper Forum, the industry welcomed the concept of the Global Pharma Tracker (GPT) by Pharma.Aero, which is a digital data-sharing platform that integrates data in a secured and controlled manner from different sources to raise visibility and reliability across the air cargo supply chain. In achieving the end objective of providing end-to-end supply chain visibility, there was a imperative need for stakeholders buy-in, as well as availability of key infrastructure and equipment e.g. cool dollies, cold rooms etc. MumbaiAirport,thefirstCEIVPharmacertifiedairport communityinIndia,hassteppeduptheircoldchain infrastructuraldevelopmentswiththeannouncementof Export Cold Zone, an exclusive cold-chain terminal which can hold over 700 tonnes of cold-chain cargo at any oneAir Shipper Forum (Perishables) on Quality and compliance: setting standardstime with a combined annual capacity of 5.25 lakh tonnes.and building capacity for transport and logistics of perishable goodsThe airport also introduced the use of cool dollies earlier in():Dec 2019.1Based on aggregation of 24 India airports international cargo throughput2410 Changi Cargo Insight"