b'Market UpdatesEventhoughtherearecurrentlynoscheduledfreighterCargo Growthservices operating out of Batam, air cargo performanceregistered a strong growth of 27% year-on-year in 2018. Unloaded and loaded air cargo increased by 14% and 45% Unloaded Loaded respectively. 32,00031,358 30,16128,00026,244 27,762 27,470Looking Ahead 24,000Ton23,058 20,85420,000TheongoingtradetensionscoupledwiththeCovid-1916,00010,058 12,091 15,408outbreakhavedisruptedsupplychainsandwouldspur12,000global organisations to expedite their decisions to diversify8,000theirmanufacturinglocationstomorecost-competitive4,000jurisdictions. With Batams tax advantages as an FTZ and its0strategic location, especially its close proximity to Singapore,20142015201620172018 it has become an attractive manufacturing location in the region. With the recent and potential new investments inBatam, Singapores logistics sector would stand to benefit from the increased production activities. CAC UpdatesChangi Airfreight Centre Ushers in the Year of RatOnthemorningof5February2020,theCargoAgents Buildings(CABs)atChangiAirfreightCenter(CAC)were greeted by a lively lion dance troupe. The sound of beating drums and clanging cymbals filled the air of the lobbies as the troupe captivated the audience with its energetic lion dance performance. There were smiles and laughter all round as the community spectatedtheperformanceswhilesavoringonfreeice cream cones distributed by the team from Changi Airport Group.Goodiebagscontainingorangesandfortune cookies were distributed by the God of Fortune mascot, blessing everyone with good health and fortune in the year ahead. 202025This year, the lobbies of CABs were fully decked out in brightChinese New Year themed horticulture displays comprisingof lovely blooms of red pussy willows, accompanied withfresh colorful flowers and kumquat bushes (symbolizingprosperity). The vibrant decorations further added to thecelebratory mood of our tenants and visitors during thefestive period.14 Changi Cargo Insight'