b'Market UpdatesIndias Automotive Market Indias automotive segment was greatly impacted by the2019globalslowdownin2019withpassengervehiclesales201941118%declined by 18% in April-November 2019. The industry is1317%expected to close the year with passenger vehicles and two- 2227%40% wheelers decline by 13-17%, commercial vehicles by 22- 27%, and heavy vehicles fall by over 40%. Similar to pharma,2019shippers cited impact on their auto parts production in viewSeaburyof the Chinese governments restrictions on the resumptionof Chinese factories arising from the COVID-19 outbreak.42%AccordingtoSeaburydatabase,Chinaisthelargest exporter of land vehicles and parts into India, representingalmost 42% of Indias imports. Intermsoflogisticalconcerns,shipperscitedthattheyare often unaware of the full handling capability of thevarious airports, particularly foreign airports. The lack oftransparency often leads to improper handling at airportswithout the suitable equipment and hence, resulting costly damages and delays. Shippers and airlines look towardsairports to establish a certain level of handling proficiencywiththerespectiveserviceprovidersandhandlersandpublish such information for shippers to identify suitabletrade lanes easily. Such transparency would also help the promote stronger flows of commodity types which requires special handling.To address the issue of high freight costs cited by shippers, there was a need for the industry to improve efficiency through simplification of processes including a shift towards digitization to improve communications. The industry called for deeper collaboration to capitalize on synergies amongst stakeholders in order to improve the overall efficiency of the industry and lower costs.STAT Trade Times Award for Excellence in Air Cargo: Changi Airport and SATS Named as International Cargo Airport and International Cargo Handler of the YearSTATTradeTimes:"" ""On the final evening of the Air Cargo India 2020, STAT Trade 2020STAT Times hosted a gala awards dinner, recognizing pioneeringTrade Timesworks embarked by the international air cargo community,"which had been instrumental to the development of the()"""industry. SATS clinched the International Cargo Handler ofthe Year (Highly Acclaimed) category, while Changi Airportwas honored the Winner of the International Cargo Airport of the Year category. The attainment of these awards was a strong testament of the efforts by the Changi Community to collaborate and develop innovative solutions to serve the ever-changing needs of the global air freight industry.Changi Cargo Insight 11'