b'Market UpdatesBatam Exports by Destination Country Year 2018Batam Imports by Destination Country Year 2018 2018 2018Total Exports :Up to December 2018 Total Imports : Up to December 2018US$ 9,507,434,579 201812 US$ 8,936,025,064 2018123.80% 49.61%6.41% US SingaporeMalaysiaUS$ 339,957,087US$ 4,716,256,878 28.99% US$ 572,811,847Others US$ 2,756,136,936 7.16% 30.41%JapanSingapore US$ 639,615,087 US$ 2,717,204,8813.16% 8.23%FranceUS US$ 300,596,229 US$ 782,927,64324.91%6.67% Others27.31%3.33% ChinaUS$ 2,226,108,984 China JapanUS$ 634,494,493 US$ 2,440,327,178US$ 317,022,400Source: Central Board of StatisticsSource: Central Board of Statistics :: Balance of Trade of BatamDifferenceExportImport(i);(ii)12,000 11,302 ;(iii)20194850011,000 10,000 9,167 9,5079,000 8,399 8,412 8,709 8,936 2018In Million US$ 8,000 7,469 18%20187,000 6,798 6,128 36%47%6,0005,000 4,0003,000 212,000 2,904 2,369 2,284 1,000 1,239 5710 20142015201620172018201827%14%45%Batams Logistics PerformanceTherearethreemaininternationalseaportsforseaUnloading-Load/Import-Export Goods at Sea Port freight in Batam, namely (i) Batu Ampar; (ii) Kabil; and (iii)BatamSekupang.InApril2019,Indonesianstate-ownedport-operator Pelindo I announced a US$85 million investment Domestic UnloadedDomestic LoadedtoupgradethefacilitiesattheportofBatuAmparto Export Import improve cargo handling and boost productivity. 5,490 5,139 5,425 5,021While the movement of passenger ships have increased5,6004,509marginallyin2018,themovementofcargoshipsin4,9003,655Thousand Tons2,236 2,602 950 2,513 2,654 843Batamhavereportedlydroppedby18%inthesame4,200year. Correspondingly, sea freight exports and imports by3,5001,782 1,945volume have declined in 2018 by 36% and 47% respectively.2,8001,126 1,158 1,652 1,411 9052,100Batams Air Logistics1,400609700The main airport in Batam is Hang Nadim International0Airport,whichcurrentlyoperatesscheduledpassenger20142015201620172018 servicesto21destinations,including1international destination Subang.Changi Cargo Insight 13'