b'Keeping Air Cargo FlyingE-Commerce and Covid-19: How Singapore Post is Navigating the New Landscape2019:(Singpost)Ascountriesundergolockdowns,e-commercehasnow become essential to ensure the survival of retail.According to a recent report by World Trade Organization, the increase in B2C sales globally is particularly evident in online sales ofHow Have Singaporeansmedical supplies, household essentials and food productsa trend that is expected to continue as cities lift theirBuying Behaviour Changedlockdowns. During COVID-19?During the Covid-19 period, a study by market researchfirm Nielsen in March found that two in five consumers inSingaporeincreasedtheironlineshoppingactivities,with three in four indicating that they expect to maintain such levels even after the pandemic. According to a recent survey conducted by Singapore-based e-commerce logisticsComfortable with eCommerce,solutionsproviderJanio,threeinfourinternetusersinmore Singaporeans are shopping onlineSingapore have purchased items online, with surging orders for online essentials like groceries, health supplements andhome lifestyle items.With high volumes of parcel fulfilment both domestically andinternationally,Covid-19hasposednewchallenges toournationalpostalserviceoperator,SingaporePost (SingPost). SingPost implemented new measures to address its manpower and capacity crunch, amidst the new norms3 in 4of social distancing. On domestic last-mile fulfilments ofSingaporean internet users have purchased items online before.onlinepurchases,SingPostcontinuestoprovidepostal43serviceswithsomeserviceadjustmentstoprotectthe health and safety of its customers and employees. New operatingstandardsandprocedureswereintroduced,Online Orders for Essentials Surged for online grocers:includingtemperaturescreenings,safedistancingin theworkplace,increasedsanitisationfrequenciesandstaggeredworkhours.Thepostalcompanyhadrapidly introducedcontactlessdeliveryoptionsforparcelsthat require signature receipts.Groceries Snacks Personal Health Hygiene Items Supplements With public spaces closed, more Singaporeans are adapting to a home-bound lifestyle.Nielsen3Items that help them work better, stay t and play Janio together at home are potentially seeing more demand. "" Work from Home Sports Board Games and Related Items and Fitness Art & Craft Products 10 Changi Cargo Insight'