b'Covid-19 Impact on Airfreight IndustryPart II 2019 - Global air cargo volumes by vertical and impact of COVID-19PreliminaryRough estimates 1 1Potential impact of Corona crisis on volumes, Pre-COVID-19 crisis, 2019 in % in % of normal (2019) quarterly volumes2019% (2019)%Q2 2020 FY 2020 FY 202120202 2020 2021High tech16 40% 70% 84%Perishables11 105% 102% 102%Automotive / manufacturing30 30% 60% 75%/Pharma & Chems incl. Medical supplies 16 130% 115% 116%e-commerce 8 100% 105% 121%Consumer goods6 55% 80% 86%Other 14 60% 80% 84%Total 100 67% 82% 91%1Based on McKinsey perspective of COVID-19 impact on semiconductor sales (Apr 7). McKinsey COVID-19 Briefing Note: Automotive industry (2 April), IATA 2020 Forecast, CLIVE, press and web search1(47):(42) 2020CLIVESource: McKinsey & Company:Back home, in achieving resiliency and securing Singaporesair cargo hub future, our air cargo community will needto be nimble and flexible to constantly rethink and adapttothemarketsituation.Aircargoplayersshouldseektocontinuouslybuildupitsspecialisedcargohandlingcapabilities,suchasperishablesandpharmaceuticals handling, to be ready to serve the needs of shippers andcustomers with the highest standards. In addition, there will be a greater need for the air cargohub to accelerate its industry digitalisation efforts. Today,multiple pain points still exist that impede the industry from achieving much greater efficiency, productivity and supply chain visibility due to the lack of and resistance towards data-sharing; multi-speed digitisation of stakeholders; and reliance on paper processes. To the above end, our air cargo community will need to foster greater collaboration and co-create value through community-wide digital initiatives.Changi Cargo Insight 5'