b'Keeping Air Cargo FlyingDespiteMalaysiasMovementControlOrderand""""SingaporesCircuitBreaker,bothgovernmentshavealsoforgedcommonunderstandingtoallowsafeandsustainablemovementofgoodsbetweenthetwocloseneighbours. A special working committee was establishedwhereofficialsfrombothsidescollaboratedtoensure cross-border movement of fresh food, medical and other(IFAM)essential goods supplies through the land checkpoints arenot disrupted during this period.IFAM5630TheAustraliaGovernmenthasalsorecentlyintroducedthe International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) in abid to deliver high-value Australian produce to key export markets. Return flights, on the other hand, will carry medicalsupplies, medicines and equipment to support the nations response to Covid-19. The first IFAM flight, operated bySingapore Airlines, ferried more than 30 tonnes of meat,seafood and mining equipment from Adelaide to Singapore()on 6 May. Further flights are planned for operation in the""subsequent weeks. SpiceXpressSecuring Air Cargo Connectivity and CapacityIn securing critical air cargo connectivity, Changi and the keystakeholders have been facilitating additional cargo flights30includingfreighterandcargo-onlypassengerservices.ComparedtoPre-Coviddays,ourcargoweeklyflights,includingcargo-onlypassengerflights,havesincemore than doubled. Our latest connectivity map can be found inthe Statistics section. Some of the ad-hoc freighter serviceswere operated by non-scheduled freighter operators suchas Ethiopian Airlines Cargo, SF Airlines, and SpiceXpress. Inoffsetting the air cargo capacity shortfall, passenger airlineshave since repurposed their passenger aircraft to mountcargo-onlyservicesglobally.Changihasalsoregistereda significant frequency of such services since the start ofthe pandemic with over 30 passenger carriers including Singapore Airlines, Scoot, Jetstar Asia, United Airlines, Swiss International Air Lines, Ethiopian Airlines, Air New Zealandetc. to narrow the capacity gaps on critical cargo lanes whilekeeping their aircraft off the ground.Totheaboveend,Changihasworkedcloselywiththeauthorities to establish clear guidelines and SOPs for carriersto operate additional freighter flights into Singapore, as well as cargo carriage in the cabin of passenger aircrafts. Changiandtheauthoritiesworkedhandinhandto facilitate efficient processing of necessary permits. Special dispensation is extended to cargo crew in facilitating their turnaround and layover during this period, while complying with local regulations and measures introduced to curb the spread of Covid-19. Changi continues to practise efficient airsidemanagementandcapacityplanninginensuring adequate ground infrastructure to accommodate the surge in cargo flights.Duringthisperiod,Changihaswelcomedtwonew scheduled freighter operators to our airlines familyKalitta AirandSichuanAirlinesCargo.KalittaAiroperates4x weekly freighter services, connecting Changi to connecting toAnchorage,Cincinnati,HongKong,LosAngelesand Sydney,whileSichuanAirlinesCargooperatesaweekly freighter service connecting Singapore to Chongqinq and Nantong. The onboarding of these two carriers enhances Changis cargo connectivity with North America, Australia and China, especially during this challenging period when the industry faces capacity crunch to these key markets. Changi Cargo Insight 7'