b'Editorial NoteDear Air Cargo Industry Partners,Today, we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation due to the Contents Covid-19 pandemic. Passenger traffic has registered its largest year-on-yeardeclineinhistorywithmassivesuspensionofpassengerflights as most countries were in partial or full lockdowns. Helping passengers and industry partners connect to the world has Editorial Note alwaysbeenthecoreofwhatChangiAirportstandsforandwe endeavour to do so. In these times, uninterrupted and timely flow of goods has become even more critical in supporting global efforts to 2 Editorial Note combat the virus, from providing medical supplies to patients anddaily essentials to households, to enabling supply chains around the world. To keep air cargo flying, there is heightened coordination and Features collaboration amongst the stakeholders to facilitate cargo capacity on critical trade lanes and uphold operational efficiency. And in doing so, 3 Covid-19 Impact on Airfreight Industrywe safeguard the safety and well-being of the air cargo communityPart II with enhanced precautionary measures.2019 Cognisantofthevolatilityfacedbythecommunityamidstthis-challenging period, Changi Airport Group has been working closely withtheSingaporeGovernmentandCivilAviationAuthorityof 7 Keeping Air Cargo Flying Singapore to roll out two assistance packages for the aviation sector toprovidecostrelief,protectjobs,aswellassecureSingaporesair connectivityamidsttheCovid-19outbreak.ChangiAirportisalso 12 Ensuring Air Cargo Community Well- supportingtheaircargosectorwithgreaterdatavisibilitywith Being Amid COVID-19 community insights dashboards. 2019 We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the frontline CargoHeroesamongstuswhoareenablingdailyaircargooperations. Changi Airport stands firm with you to ride through these turbulent 14 Assistance To Singapore Air Cargotimes, and together, we will emerge stronger as a community.Community Statistics 201916 Statistics Editorial Team Jaisey Yip Cargo & Logistics Development, General Manager Eileen Thian Cargo & Logistics Development, Senior AssociateContributors Team Tan Ping Hong Cargo & Logistics Development, Manager Joshua FooCargo & Logistics Development, ManagerAlicia LimCargo & Logistics Development, Assistant ManagerGerald ChoyCargo & Logistics Development, Assistant ManagerJonny Tan Air Cargo Operations, Assistant ManagerHalynne Shi Passenger Development, Senior AssociateMCI (P) 056/06/2018Changi Cargo Insight is published quarterly The Changi Cargo Insight Editorial Team 2 Changi Cargo InsightDesigned by BCD Meetings and Events Asia Pacific Pte Ltd'