b'FeaturesKeeping Air Cargo FlyingWith the outbreak of Covid-19, many airlines have suspended2019majority of their passenger services. This has resulted to asignificant reduction in bellyhold cargo capacity. According20203to IATA, international cargo capacity, in terms of available(ACTKs)24.6%cargo tonne kilometres (ACTKs), had declined 24.6% year- (CTKs)15.8%on-year in March 2020, while international cargo volumes, intermsofcargotonnekilometres(CTKs),contracted15.8%.: IATAs Director General and CEO, Alexandre de Juniac cited,The gap must be addressed quickly because vital suppliesmust get to where they are needed most. For example, thereis a doubling of demand for pharmaceutical shipments that are critical to this crisis. With most of the passenger fleetsitting idle, airlines are doing their best to meet demandby adding freighter services, including adapting passengeraircraft to all-cargo activity Changi Airport is aligned with the strong calls by IATA and various industry bodies to keep air cargo flying during this criticalperiod.Changiscurrentprioritiesaretoensuretimely distribution of cargo, especially vital commoditiessuch as medical and food supplies, and to minimise supply chain disruptions, by keeping air cargo lanes open, securingcriticalaircargoconnectivityandupholdingoperational efficiencyinclosecollaborationwithouraircargocommunity and government authorities. 415Workingtogetherasanaircargocommunity,wearecommittedtoprovidingefficientandtimelydeliveryofcargo globally.NZ617220,000422Keeping Trade Lanes Open51With more countries around the world restricting borderaccess due to the pandemic, the Singapore governmenthas continued to ensure trade lanes remain open. On 15April,thegovernmentsofNewZealandandSingaporelaunchedanewtradeinitiativetoensuresupplychainconnectivity and the removal of blockages to trade in a listof essential products that includes medicines, medical and surgical equipment. Following the trade declaration, the first chartered flight NZ6172 from Auckland to Singapore arrived at Changi Airport, carrying over 20,000 kilograms of chilled meat a week after, on 22 April. In a Joint Ministerial release on 1 May, Australia, Canada, Korea,NewZealandandSingaporegovernments reaffirmedtheircommitmenttofacilitatecross-border flowsandidentifiedconcreteactionstohelpalleviate the impact of Covid-19. Some of these measures include expeditedcustomsprocessandcontinuedoperation oflogisticsnetworksviaair,sea,andlandfreight.The initiativewasshortlyfollowedbyajointcollaboration comprisingAustralia,BruneiDarussalam,Canada,Chile, Laos,Myanmar,Nauru,theUnitedArabEmiratesand Uruguay with commitment by the nations to work closely with each other to identify and address trade disruptions with ramifications on the flow of necessities.6 Changi Cargo Insight'