b'Keeping Air Cargo FlyingUpholding Uncompromised Operational Efficiency Changi, together with our partners, continues to ensureuninterruptedaircargooperationsbyadaptingtotheevolving business environment. Our cargo handling agents,dnatadnata and SATS, have been working tirelessly round-the- clock on flexible shifts to manage the extra cargo flights and the shorter lead time for certain charter flights.dnataThe global lockdowns have also posed a challenge to ourdnatacargo handlers manpower. Both dnata and SATS adaptedand adjusted their resources quickly and redeployed staff toareas where they are needed most. For example, in copingwith the increased workload, dnata was quick to redeploy staff from other departments like Customer Services and RampServices to support air cargo, reinforcing the operationalcapacityandefficiency.Allthese,whilstmaintaining(e-AWB)(DLS)thewell-beingandhealthoftheaircargocommunity.SATSembracementofdigitalisationintheircargooperations processes has allowed the company to generategreater efficiencies, as well as to minimise movements anddisruptions this period. For example, SATS uses electronicairwaybills(e-AWB),flightmanifestsandDeadloadStatement(DLS)forflightcommunicationswiththeiraircraft load control personnel virtually. Thecargocommunityhasalsodisplayedtheiragilityandadaptability tohandle criticalsupplies inSingaporeduring the pandemic. Within a short timeframe, they have(dnataCoolchainCoolport)adjustedinternalSOPstoprioritizecriticalshipmentsincluding daily essentials and medical supplies. In addition, ground handlers were able to develop and implement new procedures for loading cargo into the cabins of passenger aircraft, where extra care is needed not to damage the seats and cabin interior, and to ensure an acceptable level of safety.During this period where there are frequent shipments of vitalsuppliessuchastemperature-sensitiveperishables and pharmaceuticals, a strong cold chain is more critical than ever. Our cargo handlers have risen to the occasion to ensure quality handling and storage of these essential shipments through tight cold chain management SOPs and respective dedicated cold chain facilities (dnatas Coolchain and SATS Coolport). Changi Cargo Insight 9'