b'FeaturesAssistance To Singapore Air Cargo CommunityChangi is cognisant of Covid-19s impact to the air cargo2019industry and is working closely with different stakeholdersto lend support to our air cargo community during thisdifficult period. Financial Assistance(CAAS)Insupportingtheaviationsector,theSingapore1.12"Government, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)"(SSP)andChangiwerequicktoannouncea$112million3.5StabilisationandSupportPackage(SSP),tosafeguard""(EASP)Singapores air connectivity amidst the outbreak as a key objective, under the Unity Budget. As the Covid-19 worsens,under the Resilience Budget, the $350 million Enhanced Aviation Support Package (EASP) was introduced to provide further cost relief to the aviation in defraying business costs and protecting jobs. The packages provide immediate relief to affected companies during the Covid-19 outbreak period.Data Visibility In this current disruptive period, data visibility is criticaltomanagesupplychainrisksandforforwardbusinessplanning. One of the major challenges cited in Changisdemandoutlookquestionnairebyourlocalfreightforwarderswasthelackofvisibilitytoevolvingairlinesnetwork and capacity. In addressing this concern, Changiis rolling out a digital dashboard which aims to provideanupdatedandforwardoverviewofChangisaircargo network and connectivity. The dashboard will also provide a summary of Changi Airports latest air cargo performance by flows, top markets and trends on a fortnightly basis. 14 Changi Cargo Insight'