b'FeaturesEnsuring Air Cargo Community Well-Being Amid COVID-192019Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, Changi and the2019key air cargo stakeholders have implemented a series ofmeasures to safeguard the well-being and welfare of ourair cargo community, whom are working round the clock tokeep air cargo moving. Since the early stages of the pandemic, Changi instituted;(CAC)(extra sanitization measures which include the deploymentofhandsanitisersacrossthepublicareas;andmore)frequent and thorough disinfection at high touch pointsin Changi Airfreight Centre (CAC) such as passenger andcargolifts,liftlobbiesandcorridors,canteens,carpark gantries,vendingmachinesandpassofficecounters(withtheapplicationofantimicrobialcoating.This)specialcoatingnotonlyrupturestheoutermembraneof viruses, bacteria and fungi, but also remains effective for as long as three months once applied onto surfaces.Postersandadvisories(e.g.safedistancing,goodhygieneetc.),aswellassafetyvideos,wereputupinhighly-frequented public areas to raise awareness in ourcommunity efforts to combat the ongoing pandemic andcreating a healthy air cargo workplace environment. SocialdistancingwasenforcedthroughouttheChangi AirfreightCenterandatthestakeholdersworkareas. Distancing markers were introduced at locations involving waitingandqueuingofpersonnelincludingcheckpoint personnel inspection point, pass waiting area, bus-stops and canteens. In dealing with the high commuting levels at bus stops during peak hours, Changi had also worked with our public bus operator, SBS Transit, to roll out several initiatives like assigning service ambassadors at bus stops to encourage safe distancing and deploying auxiliary security officers to assist in crowd control at bus stops. Set up of DIY kiosks at the checkpoint to allow pass holders to self-place theApplication of antimicrobial coating at high touch points in CACaccess pass on Mobile Tap-card Reader ()12 Changi Cargo Insight'