b'Keeping Air Cargo FlyingAll delivery, where possible, is temporarily delivered directlyto letterboxes to reduce contact with recipients as well.With international air freight facing major disruptions duetothereductioninoverallaircargocapacity,SingPostfaces new challenges in this unprecedented period as thereduced air cargo capacity is unable to keep up with thestrong B2C e-commerce demand globally. In addressing680this challenge, SingPost has worked closely with differentairlinesandexploreddifferentoptions,whichhaveincluded passenger flights operating for cargo conveyance.(IAG)By the end of June, SingPost would have engaged close to80 passenger-chartered flights to overcome the air capacityconstraints mainly to US, Europe and North Asia regions.Major hub carriers Singapore Airlines, United Airlines and British Airways (via freight division IAG Cargo) are amongst the growing list of air carriers that SingPost works with onthis front.With passenger cabin space now being utilisedfor an even larger payload, SingPosts mailbags were seenfillingthepassengerseatsofairlineslikeEmirateswithspecial handling carried out to secure them to passengerseats. This is over and above working with SingPosts regular partners that are still operating scheduled cargo flights. Jason Wilson: "Toensurebusinesscontinuityamidstlimitedpassengerflight availability, SingPost explored multi-modal options tomove its cargo. SingPost has also capitalised on Singaporesstrong port and road connectivity to distribute its cargo toworldwide markets. In a bid to keep the continuity of postal"flows, vigorous planning for transportation routes are being undertaken to navigate flight reductions, border closures and other restrictions that have been in place.Mr Jason Wilson, Head of Global eCommerce Fulfilment Services, SingPost added, "Soaring e-commerce demand, unprecedenteddisruptiontoaircargocapacityand Covid-19relatedregulationshaverequiredSingPostto take additional operational capacity and adjust workflow procedures, particularly with the safety of staff and partners paramount. To keep flows moving for our customers, we have been closely collaborating with our preferred airline partners to identify alternative charter possibilities from Changiwhilealsodeployingmulti-modaloptionsusing Singapores port and road connectivity."Changi Cargo Insight 11'