b'Ensuring Air Cargo Community Well-Being Amid COVID-19 2019As CAC is a centralised security access zone, staff or visitorsentering by vehicles will need to display valid passes tosecurityofficersbeforetheyareallowedintoCAC.Tominimise contact between pass holders and security officers,anenhancedprecautionarymeasurewasimplemented.Access pass holders are advised to self-place the accesspass on the handheld Mobile Tap-card Reader.In addition,a DIY kiosks were set up at the checkpoint, where staff and visitors can self-service by getting down their vehicles toscan their passes during the off-peak periods.dnataIn enabling a contactless work environment and practising(ICA)physical distancing, key stakeholders such as SATS and dnatahave segregated their cargo operations staff into smallerteams and staggered the working hours to avoid bunching ofworkers reporting for work during peak hours. Immigrationand Checkpoints Authorities (ICA) have also adopted strict teamsegregation.Mandatorytemperaturetakinghave been instituted across the various CAC stakeholders. There""(are also internal SOPs established for sanitisation of theirC)respective premises. Personal protection supplies have alsobeen ramped up for emergency readiness. Both handlersclosely adhere to advisories by Ministries of Health andManpowerandregularlyshareadditionalprecautionarymeasurements with staff via circulars and daily briefings.ChangialsodistributedCarePacks(comprisingofhand sanitisers and Vitamin C tablets) for critical frontline officers from ICA, security provider Certis Cisco and cargo handling staff in showing our appreciation and keeping them safe andhealthyamidstthechallengingperiod.Inaddition, CAG also worked with vendors to provide the community options to purchase essential items like disposable masks, digital thermometers, wet wipes and hand sanitisers via the vending machines in CAC this period.Essential products during this pandemic period were added to vending machines located at Cargo Agents Buildings (CAB) C and DCDChangi Cargo Insight 13'